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The Human Right

To know Jesus Christ & to make him known

A different kind of evangelism book.


Just as the author’s book, God’s Not Dead, laid out the logical reasoning for God’s existence, and Man Myth Messiah established the existence and identity of Jesus Christ, now Rice Broocks brings a definitive book on the logical necessity to make the proclamation of the Gospel our highest priority. In fact, it is actually the ultimate justice issue and therefore the most important of all human rights. Consciously or subconsciously, many now believe that demonstrating tolerance is more important than truth. Fundamentally, the right to know the truth is even greater than the freedom to believe.


Because Jesus Christ is the Truth, then humanity shouldn’t be denied the right to hear about Him, make their own decision, and then have the freedom to tell others.

This unique book is written to achieve the following goals: To recast the Gospel as a human rights issue…


-To reset the Gospel as our top priority…

-To explain why truth exists in the first place…

-To defend the truth of the Bible…

-To explain why God’s design and purpose makes gender issues absurd…

-To show that immorality is wrong regardless of the law of man…


What is truth? Does God really exist? Is the Bible true? All of this will be examined more closely in this book. Jesus claimed He was the Truth, not just spoke the truth. Therefore, if Christ is the truth, and all deserve to know what is true, then the most basic right of all is to know Jesus Christ and make Him known.

Man, Myth, Messiah

Answering History's Greatest Question

Did Jesus Really Exist?


The search for the historical Jesus continues to be headline news. Any speculative theory seems to get instant attention as the debate rages about His real identity and the claims made in His name. Did Jesus really exist? Is there real historical evidence that demonstrates that He lived and actually said and did the things the Gospels record? Is there any validity to the speculative claims that the Jesus story was a myth, borrowed from a variety of pagan cultures of the ancient world?


In this follow-up to the book God’s Not Dead (that inspired the movie), Man, Myth, Messiah looks at the evidence for the historical Jesus and exposes the notions of skeptics that Jesus was a contrived figure of ancient mythology. It also looks at the reliability of the Gospel records as well as the evidence for the resurrection that validates His identity as the promised Messiah. Man, Myth, Messiah will be released concurrent to the God’s Not Dead movie sequel, which will cover the same theme.

God's not dead

The Evidence Behind the Hit Movie


 The goal of God’s Not Dead: Evidence for God in an Age of Uncertainty is straightforward: to help readers develop “a faith that is real and credible—and strong enough to help others find faith in God.” To that end, Rice Broocks outlines a roadmap that guides seekers to acknowledge the most basic truths of Christianity:

  • There is overwhelming and exciting evidence for God’s existence

  • The God who exists is indeed the God of the Bible

  • God has revealed his nature through his Son, Jesus Christ

As shown during the movie, this is the original book on which the main character bases much of his debate points with the atheistic professor. Persuasive arguments crafted with tools borrowed from logic, science, and philosophy, as well as scripture, solidify the faith of the Christian reader and provide starting points for discussions with skeptics. With clear, easy-to-follow explanations of key concepts and controversies, God’s Not Dead is apologetics for the twenty-first century, presented in layman’s terms. Readers will be empowered not only to talk about their own faith with confidence but to lead others to a relationship with Jesus.

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